Youth Sunday School

Youth (7th-12th graders) enjoy topical Bible studies together Sunday mornings at 9:45 am. Topics are chosen by the youth and young adult leaders based on their current questions and what God has placed on their hearts to study. Past subjects include cultural issues, how to deal with mental health from a Biblical perspective, dating/relationships, and discerning God's will.

Youth Bible Study

Wednesdays at 6:30 pm youth are challenged to grow in their faith and build lasting relationships with one another. During their Wednesday evening sessions our students are taught about the reliability of the Bible, the truth of Christianity, how to study Scripture, how to evangelize to others, and how to disciple the next generation of believers.

Young Adult Group

Once students graduate from high school they are invited to participate in our Young Adult Ministry. This group meets for times of fellowship and fun, volunteers together, and helps disciple the youth at Macedonia based on their gifts/talents.

Summer Events

MBC Youth attend camp at Fort Caswell the last week of June each year.

Please see Ashley Therrell about registration for camp.

MBC Youth attend the Strength to Stand Conference in Tennessee every December.

Please see Ashley Therrell about registration for winter conference.

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